At SHEQ-IMS (Pty) Ltd, we specialize in conducting comprehensive on-site civil inspections for construction sites. Our services ensure that all projects adhere to the highest safety and regulatory standards, providing peace of mind for contractors and stakeholders alike.

Comprehensive Safety File Compilation

A key component of our service is the compilation of a detailed Safety File. This file is meticulously prepared to meet the specific conditions set by our customers’ Principal Contractors and the Department of Labour. It includes all necessary documentation, risk assessments, and safety protocols required for compliance with South African construction regulations.

Monthly Compliance Inspections

To maintain ongoing compliance, we conduct monthly inspections of the construction site. These inspections are thorough and aim to verify that all safety measures and regulatory requirements are being met consistently. Our team of experienced inspectors evaluates various aspects of the site, including:

Worksite Safety: Ensuring that all safety procedures are being followed.

Equipment and Machinery: Checking that all equipment is in good working condition and used correctly.

Worker Practices: Observing and verifying that workers are following safe practices and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Documentation: Reviewing and updating all necessary documentation to reflect the current status of the project.

Detailed Reporting

After each inspection, we provide a comprehensive report to our customers. This report outlines our findings, highlights any areas of non-compliance, and offers recommendations for corrective actions. These reports are designed to be clear and actionable, allowing our customers to make informed decisions and ensure their projects remain compliant. Additionally, these reports can be submitted to stakeholders, demonstrating a commitment to safety and regulatory adherence.

The Importance of Civil Inspections in the Building Industry

Civil inspections are crucial in the building industry, particularly in South Africa, where stringent safety and regulatory standards must be met. These inspections help to:

Prevent Accidents and Injuries: By identifying potential hazards and ensuring that safety measures are in place, civil inspections reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on construction sites.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance: Regular inspections ensure that construction projects comply with all relevant laws and regulations, avoiding legal issues and potential fines.

Improve Project Quality: Consistent inspections and adherence to safety protocols contribute to the overall quality and success of construction projects.

Boost Stakeholder Confidence: Detailed inspection reports provide transparency and demonstrate a commitment to safety and quality, enhancing the confidence of clients and stakeholders.

Contact Us

At SHEQ-IMS (Pty) Ltd, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the highest standards of safety and compliance on your construction projects. Contact us at  to learn more about our civil inspection services and how we can assist you in maintaining a safe and compliant worksite.

We have all the right tools, let us Help You

89 Verdoorn Ave



South Africa

James van Zyl – 082 871 4548

Alex Kee – 064 990 8188