Process  Mapping

Enhancing Process Validity, Currency, and Suitability

To enhance the validity, currency, and suitability of processes within a company, we offer comprehensive process mapping services. Many of our customers have required a project where production, operational, and systems processes within their organization are meticulously mapped.

Our Process Mapping Approach

With a feet-on-the-ground approach, our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) walk through the various processes, tracking them from start to finish. This hands-on method allows us to provide a detailed analysis of your processes, ensuring that every step is thoroughly examined and documented.

What We Do

–    Process Tracking: We meticulously follow each process from initiation to completion, gaining a deep understanding of how your operations work.

–    Alignment of Procedures: We assist our customers in aligning operating procedures, standards, and other required documentation with the actual processes. This ensures that all supporting documentation is established, approved, implemented, and monitored for continual improvement.

–    Documentation Management: Our approach couples the project to a documented information management process, ensuring that all necessary documents are kept up-to-date and easily accessible.

Benefits of Process Mapping

  1. Input and Output Determination: Process mapping helps determine the inputs and outputs expected from processes, providing clarity and efficiency.
  2. Sequence and Interaction Identification: It identifies the sequences and interactions of processes, ensuring smooth workflow and integration.
  3. Monitoring and Measuring Criteria: It establishes the criteria and methods needed to monitor and measure processes, ensuring effective operation.
  4. Risk Management Integration: Efficient process mapping is closely linked to risk management, helping identify potential risks and mitigating them.
  5. Continual Improvement: By continuously monitoring and analyzing processes, we foster a culture of continual improvement, enhancing the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your operations.

Our process mapping services are designed to provide a clear, comprehensive view of your company’s processes, ensuring that all procedures are aligned and documented for optimal performance. This approach not only enhances the validity and currency of your processes but also ensures their suitability and efficiency, contributing to the overall success of your organization.

We have all the right tools, let us Help You

89 Verdoorn Ave



South Africa

James van Zyl – 082 871 4548

Alex Kee – 064 990 8188