Issue-Based Risk Assessment 
ISO 9001:2015

Many companies now require an Issue-Based Risk Assessment in their Contractor Safety Files. For contractors unfamiliar with risk assessments, this can be a daunting task. Moreover, risk assessment is a crucial requirement in the new ISO 9001:2015 Standard for Quality Management Systems (as well as some of the other Standards not mentioned here).

Understanding Risk Assessments and Issue-Based Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is a systematic process used to identify, evaluate, and manage potential hazards that could negatively impact individuals, assets, or operations. The primary goal of a risk assessment is to mitigate risks by implementing appropriate measures. Key steps involved in a risk assessment include: 

  1. Identifying Hazards: Recognize potential sources of harm.
  2. Evaluating Risks: Assess the likelihood and impact of each hazard.
  3. Implementing Controls: Develop strategies to eliminate or reduce risks.
  4. Monitoring and Reviewing: Continuously check the effectiveness of control measures and update the assessment as necessary.

Risk assessments are vital for ensuring the safety and health of employees, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and maintaining operational efficiency.

Issue-Based Risk Assessments

Issue-Based Risk Assessments (IBRAs) focus on specific issues or activities that present potential risks within a particular context or operation. Unlike general risk assessments, which cover broader operational aspects, IBRAs target particular tasks, projects, or changes in processes. This targeted approach allows for a more detailed analysis and management of risks associated with specific activities. Key elements of IBRAs include:

  1. Task Identification: Define the specific task or issue to be assessed.
  2. Hazard Analysis: Identify potential hazards directly related to the task.
  3. Risk Evaluation: Assess the severity and likelihood of each identified risk.
  4. Control Measures: Develop and implement controls tailored to mitigate risks associated with the specific task.
  5. Documentation and Training: Ensure that procedures are documented, and relevant personnel are trained on the identified risks and control measures.

How SHEQ IMS (Pty) Ltd Can Assist  With Risk Assessments

At SHEQ IMS (Pty) Ltd, we specialize in conducting both general and issue-based risk assessments. Our expertise is particularly beneficial for industries such as mining, where specific tasks can present unique risks. By assisting with the updating of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) through Issue-Based Risk Assessments, we help ensure that all potential hazards are identified and managed before procedures are finalized. This proactive approach not only enhances safety and compliance but also optimizes operational efficiency.

Contact us at  for professional assistance with your risk assessments and let us help you manage and mitigate risks effectively.

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89 Verdoorn Ave



South Africa

James van Zyl – 082 871 4548

Alex Kee – 064 990 8188